Got back from 35 days in Japan. Some things I wanted to share.

I just got back from 35 days in Japan with my Fiancé and absolutely loved all of it!

We started in Tokyo and we went to the following areas:

Tokyo – 10 days
Kyoto – 5 days
Osaka – 7 days
Hiroshima – 5 days
Nagasaki – 6 days
Okinawa – 5 days
Sapporo – 1 day

I was supposed to stay longer in Sapporo but the flight to Sapporo was delayed and our return tickets were accidiently booked earlier than I wanted.

Along the way we climbed Mt.Fuji, went to Teamlabs, explored the coral reefs in Okinawa, went to dozens of temples and shrines, ate amazing food and overall had a blast!

Some things I will point out…

  • You do not need to bring Cash to Japan except some emergency money. ATM's charge only a nominal fee and you can find them almost anywhere. Almost everyone uses card anyways.

  • You definetely should be prepared to carry your garbage around. We only found garbage cans in convenience stores, some restaurants and maybe a few malls at best.

  • Google translate is very helpful. I know Japanese so I don't need it, but my Fiancé used it a lot when communicating.

  • Any IC card works for transportation. You don't need a welcome Suica which only lasts 28 days. An ICOCA works fine and does not expire.

  • Please use the Takyubinn service to transfer your luggage between different hotels. It was so convenient. Most hotels offer the service. They usually take payment in Cash though.

  • I would personally take a flight from Hiroshima to Nagasaki instead of using the Shinkansen. The timings were too tight. Alternatively, get non reserved seats so you don't feel a need to rush.

  • All your tickets to nearly everything can be bought on Klook. 100% Recommend. This includes the Shinkansen tickets.

  • If you're going to climb Mt.Fuji, use Fuji mountain guides. The guides all speak English and are incredibly helpful.

  • Fiverr is Fine if you want Studio Ghibli tickets. I used Seann to get my tickets.

  • Knowing some Japanese will help you a ton.

  • You WILL get lost with certain train stations. It's part of the experience. Don't worry 🙂 .

Overall, I had a blast! If you have any questions, or want my itenary, let me know!!

by RarePea5132

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