Freelance taxes, but being paid from the US

Hey everyone, I've been really confused about this for a while now, so I figured I'd ask here first. I've been in Japan on a working holiday visa for almost 10 months now and for the last, roughly, three months, I've had this remote job from the US, since I ran out of savings. My two main problems are, that I don't know where I have to pay taxes since I'm from Germany and that, assuming it's Japan, I have no idea how I'd do that, since the company I work at doesn't give me any proof of getting paid, apart from PayPal transactions once a week, which I then put onto my German bank account. So far I've made around 3k from it and paid all my bills with that, so my question is, do I have to pay taxes in Japan? And if so, how on earth do I do that? Would appreciate any help on this a ton and I'll 100% still consult with a professional too, just figured I'd get some information from here as well.

by Mugentries

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