Are My Work Hours Ordinary in Japan?

I’m currently working for a large catering business. They expect overtime during three months per year. Right now, I get to work at 9 AM and leave work at 11 PM. Is this ordinary in Japan?

by Automatic-Shelter387

  1. It sounds like it might push the legal limit if you do that for more than two weeks.

    I worked similar hours for 10 days or something because the project was behind the schedule and I couldn’t do overtime after that for the rest of the month.

  2. It is not ordinary.
    The legal limit for most trades/companies seems to be 45 hr/month, you are doing about 120 hr/month.

    Info found on internet.

     The Work-Style Reform Laws set out legal caps for overtime hours.  In principle, overtime hours should not be longer than 45 hours per month and 360 hours per year.  Even in special circumstances where a temporary necessity for overtime work arises, overtime hours should be capped at 720 hours per year, 100 hours per month (including work on holidays), and an average of 80 hours per month for each period of two, three, four, five and six months (including work on holidays).  These new legal caps came into force on April 1, 2019 for large-sized employers and on April 1, 2020 for small- and medium-sized employers.

  3. When I did those kinda hours during a really busy time, I was forced to get medical counseling, and couldn’t do any overtime for the next two months. Are you salaried or management? If you are a 平社員 you should be forced into the union, and you should have certain protections against such work hours

    I hope you get some rest

  4. Not just in Japan. I worked in the food industry for years in America and it was not uncommon for me to have 180 hour pay periods . Just depended on how busy we were and what season it was

  5. Do they at least pay you overtime at 1.5X rate after 6pm? I once worked for a japanese firm and they had such an arrangement

  6. That’s normal for a food service job. Is it high end? Those hours would be totally normal in the US too.

  7. When do you even take a shit 🤔😂 hope you are getting paid good overtime. I wouldn’t do it .

  8. No it’s not normal. Insane actually and unfortunately if you throw a claim at then about it even presenting the actual labor laws in the process you’ll probably eventually find yourself out of work there or fired. I suggest you find a new place to work. Hours you are working drain you from a decent interactive lifestyle and I highly doubt you are getting enough physical rest your body needs.

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