Great-O-Khan: “One day, we were asked to give lessons on amateur wrestling to students in the Portsmouth dojo. There were over 20 people coming to our session on the first day. But because the lesson was so grueling only two people came on the second day.”

Great-O-Khan: “One day, we were asked to give lessons on amateur wrestling to students in the Portsmouth dojo. There were over 20 people coming to our session on the first day. But because the lesson was so grueling only two people came on the second day.”

  1. O-Khan’s go-to template for non-answers: “We do not seek out [blank], [blank] comes to us.”

  2. It’s not for everybody, or like JR says, “it ain’t ballet.”

    Then again, I get the feeling Japanese style of training for this sort of thing is more hardcore. Push you super hard on the first day just to see who comes back the next day.

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