Question regarding PitaPa cards in Tokyo

Hey all PitaPa users, you know how Pasmo and Suica are in low supply right now, so when I was given an offer from SMBC for a PitaPa card, I took it immediately. It works like a credit card, where you don't have to add balance to your card, and the transportation costs are billed back to you next month. Wonderful I thought.

Now of course when the ecstatic me got the card, I realised that the PostPay area is only available for Osaka metro and buses (makes sense but doesn't), rendering it effectively useless here. Now, the documents it came with we're vague about their stance on whether I can shop on credit outside the postpay area too (for example, buying something at the konbini on credit with PitaPa when I don't have enough cash), or the store services are available in the Postpay areas only too?

I assume 95% the answer to above will be yes, then another question arises, what the heck do I do with this card. Sure I could replace my Pasmo with it, would work exactly the same, but then will I have to pay the 1100 yen yearly maintenance fee if I don't use it on credit? (I've never been to Osaka in my life and reckon that's happening soon).

Or is there a way to cancel the card altogether?

Thanks for your advice in advance.

by vampir3dud3_

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