Elderly at ATM and using a phone – question.

I receive this "Pension Day Warning" as a part of the normal sending by the city hall folks of all sorts of information and such, BUT here I am perplexed:

  • また、携帯電話をかけながらATMを操作しているご高齢の方を見かけたら、詐欺の被害を疑い、一声掛けていただくようお願いします。

Using Google's translation tool and it looks okay:

  • Also, if you see an elderly person operating an ATM while making a phone call, please suspect that they may be a victim of fraud and speak to them.

So why I am perplexed? What should an opening statement consist of from myself (or anyone) to that elderly person? Sure we start with the basic 'sumimasen' . . . BUT?

I'd suspect their initial reaction would be I AM THE BAD PERSON, because they are using an ATM and there is money involved and I am bothering them.

I'd be very interested in what suggestions someone might have as to how to initiate this sort of communications with a stranger who is probably doinng some sort of transaction with their own money, even if it is a wrong move on their part, I may come across as being in the wrong, IF I don't get it right.

Well, that is if I feel 'brave' enough to even try this.

by GaijinShoes

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