Anyone from the field of Japanology?


2 months ago I've graduated from university with a master's degree in oriental languages and cultures (japanology). Long story short, I had an epiphany when I was around 24 that you don't get far without education in life (or atleast very unlikely) so I had to go back and try again but the only thing I know I was motivated enough to succeed in was historical or cultural majors. Since Asian history in general and especially Japanese, I saw this as my most realistic chance to get a degree in. I'm aware that majors like there mostly go further to become Phd's and go into academia. Which was also the plan for me, I would love to teach history or cultural courses at a university (especially somewhere in Japan would be nice) but some sudden personal obstacles have appeared a while back so unfortunately I have to drop my Phd plans (mostly because of not being able to live on the 800 euro or what not stiped I could get, it's time to move on).

My goal was always to move to Japan for a few years and after doing my exchange year, the itch became bigger. So I'm busy doing jobhunting these past months for something I could do in Japan with my experience and academic qualification. I work in Marketing in my country at the moment (europe) but the pay isn't enough to keep me from pursuing something more related to my experience.

Anyway not to ramble on, I'm looking mostly on LinkedIn and a few Japan job websites but it seems like most jobs do need fluency in Japanese. While I have a master's in the major, my Japanese is maybe N3 smooth, N2 possible if needed to prepare for the JLPT exam a few months in advance. But far from fluent.

I was wondering if people have the same experience I am in? Maybe with the same academic qualifications and if you have made use of it in Japan? Any tips that you can give me for my case? Unfortunately my country (seems like the only one in this world) doesn't have a working holiday visa deal with Japan so I would need a sponsor. The thought of being an English teacher (I do have certificates that shows I studied advanced English in uni and what not) to have a foot in the country have crossed my mind but the salaries these days make me wonder how people even survive on it? 1700 euro per month average?

If anyone can just give their 2 cents and maybe give some tips on where to look, very much appreciated.

by Guilty_Strength_9214

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