Switching ISP from eMansion to J:COM

My apartment building is switching ISP from eMansion to J:COM 1G Hikari.

Will I have to pay for an additional IP address if I want to connect more than one device directly to the switching hub in my apartment?
(for example: plugging my main computer and the Wifi router into separate LAN ethernet sockets in different rooms)

(Edit: my router is set to Access Point mode instead of Router mode or Wireless Bridge mode. So the communal modem on 1F functions as the router, and the below doesn't apply??)



With eMansion, I have had my computer, router and Apple TV all connected to different LAN wall sockets. The monthly fee under the group contract is a flat rate of 2,052 yen regardless.

Another potential issue:

The central modem/hub on the 1F provides a shared public IP for the whole apartment building, and each apartment is assigned a private IP, which provides an added layer of security.

Would I lose that firewall?

by GachaponPon

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