New religion friends – should I give up?

Basically I became friends here with two girls (met at a cultural exchange event). We had a lot in common and met up on 5 occasions, (coffee shop, festival, one of the girl's house) before they sat me down and asked some personal details about my life and said that they are members of 真如苑.(No chanting, bringing me to the temple or forcing me to watch anything) At the time I said I'm not interested in it, and they said that it's fine, they just wanted to share their deep passion for the religion. I don't know a lot about the religion and I'm stuck now. Are they just trying to lure me in or is genuine friendship from this point still possible? I'm suspicious because they are extremely friendly, very energetic, and decided to "come out" as a couple, I feel a bit betrayed like this was the plan all along. There might have been more red flags but I will not bore you by listing all. But we had a lot of deep genuine conversations and it's hard for me to throw this relationship away. I saw a post on here about Shinnyoen saying that this woman went as far as to get married with someone in the religion, have a child together and get divorced without being invited a second time so I got an impression it's not as extreme as some religious groups. Advice?

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