why do only certain ATMs allow me to withdraw money in japan?

i just returned to the US after a month of living in japan, and i noticed that every time i tried to withdraw cash from an ATM, only certain ATMs would allow me to withdraw. I noticed that a lot of the ATMs that look more high tech/newer and have a white flashing light near the card insert area don’t work whenever i try to get money. the majority of these kind of ATMs were at 7/11, because i was almost always able to get cash from ATMs in family mart. other ATMs that were different models seemed to work just fine.
however, a big difference i noticed between the ATMs that let me withdraw and the ones that didn’t were that the ones i couldn’t get anything from asked a few more questions than the ones that i could get cash from did. anytime i tried to withdraw from a machine that asked what kind of currency i wanted charged to my account, i found did not work, regardless of whether i chose i wanted to be charged in yen or usd. i was wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience or an answer to y this might be?? i have a visa debit card if that makes any difference, but both machines seemed to be fine with visa, so im thinking maybe it’s something different?

by Lumpy_Daikon5747

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