Do companies with shakai hoken deduct residence tax off your paycheck?

I’m a bit confused about this. I was at a company for almost 3 years and never got a residence tax slip but then I changed to a company without shakai hoken so I was getting slips in the mail to pay. Now I’m back at a company with shakai hoken and my ward office is saying they didn’t get any data transfer that my company will be deducting residence tax from my paycheck. Can anyone help me out?

  1. I believe companies do deduct residential tax from your salary.

    This change was made because many people forget to pay their residence tax, or don’t know what that is.

    Check your pay slip, it should have exactly what taxes are being deducted from your salary.

  2. Not sure if this helps but this is my experience – when I was an English teacher the residence tax was paid via those slips you get where you can pay every few months or in one go. Japan bases everything on the previous year for absolutely no reason, so for the first year of my proper job at a new company I got the slips again, then the second year they calculated my residence tax and they started to take it from my salary, so health insurance, income tax and residence are all taken from my salary now.

  3. The handling of residence taxes and shakai hoken vary depending on the employer. You need to ask your company if they will be handling your residence tax or if you will have to take care of it yourself.

  4. Shakai Hoken Is nothing to do with resident tax.

    If you can give the months/years you worked for all employers I can help explain this for you for your circumstance…

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