Met up with a Japanese guy in bumble, wondering if he’s being subtle or I’m friend zoned.

So, I did post this on another subreddit, but I'll ask here as well,,,

Prior to anything, yes I live here. I haven't had the chance to meet up with this guy yet since it takes about 6 hours via shinkansen to do so.

We originally matched (relationship switched on for both our ends) in the first months of this year, and matched again halfway through the year in a different account I had since I had to delete my previous one to concentrate on studies. We starting hitting things off and exchanged LINE contacts afterwards.

We're about a month and a half in to talking, and by this point I don't know if he's giving mixed signals or not, because I'm not usually used to dating Japanese men, so I can't exactly know whether or not he's interested. Most of my previous relationships were with foreigners because I'm half foreigner and like straightforwardness when it comes to confessing feelings. It's difficult for me to know if this man has any considering there aren't a lot of moves done.

I told my cousin about it and showed her screenshots, she said he MIGHT be into me, but we're not exactly sure, and maybe give him a few more months to decide. She did ask me to subtly ask him what his type for a girl is, so I did, though I do think I might've over crossed and said too much, which my cousin definitely agreed on when I called the man "Wholesome" when he happily said his MNTI type rather than his type for women.

The conversation went as follows. For the sake of privacy, I'll call him M.

Me : 前に聞かなかったと思うのですが、Mさんのタイプは何ですか?

Him: mbtiのことですかね?僕はinfjです!

Me: いえいえ、えと。。。

Him: あーなるほど、そっちのタイプですね

Me:はい );; そのことは聞いていいですか?

Him: そうですね〜バンブルは友達探しがメインで使ってました笑

Any opinions? It'll be much appreciated TvT

I've taken in all your comments, I'm honestly relieved that it didn't move further into something romantic…as odd as that sounds.
I'll see if he's a good friend, he seems to be a pretty fun guy to hang around with. Thank you for your help!

by Plutochan_0061_hai

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