Question on finances when applying for designated activities visa for job hunting

I'm graduating from uni on Sept 25 and plan on applying for the designated activities visa for job hunting purposes. We need to provide a financial statement showing we can support ourselves during the period.

I've been on scholarship this whole time and havent been doing part-time work. It has been decided by the uni that I can work as a part-time researcher funded by my profs research funds for 6 months from November and will get 150,000Yen monthly. I know its low paid but its all my prof can afford to pay me and I am gladly taking it without complaining.

My question is:
As part of the required documents for the visa, I need a document showing I can defray expenses during my 6 months period. How much do I need in my personal savings when I apply? I'll have about 400,000Yen when I apply and will also have a 採用予定証明書 (certificate that I will work as a part-time researcher and will get paid) from my uni.

Has anyone been in this situation before? How much did you have in your savings when you applied and were you working baito?

I havent been able to find how much savings you need to get the DA for job hunting visa. And no one knows it seems. I saw a document from Doshisha and another uni saying you need more than 600,000Yen. But they are the only ones saying that.

There is apparently a DA visa for "future creation." And you only need 200,000Yen in your bank when you apply (its on mofa website). Seems rather low and definitely not enough for 6 months.

Im interested in knowing how much savings you had and if you were doing baito or not when applying so I can gauge my chances of getting the visa.

by tencentis

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