Cheap maternity hospital in Tokyo that allows my 4 year old to stay with me during hospitalization?

Hello I'm a foreigner living in Adachi-ku Tokyo. I'm currently 19 weeks pregnant and I have a 3 year old daughter turning 4 next month. So I'm looking for an affordable hospital where she can also stay with me during hospitalization? I gave birth to my firstborn in Katsushika Red Cross Hospital and currently doing my prenatal there for my second but I want to give birth in a hospital that will allow my child to be with me also.. any suggestions? the closer to adachi-ku area the better.. thank you!!!

by Janaen

  1. I’m not sure any will, that’s really unusual in Japan. Is there no one that can watch your child when you give birth?

  2. According to Google there are hospitals that offer this service but I think you need to define cheap? I can’t imagine these services are going to be cheap – it can get expensive without having an extra kid with you. You’d obviously need a private room + extra meals for the 4 year old. Also, you need to think about whether you’ll actually be physically able to take care of your 4 year old if you have a difficult birth or c-section.

  3. How long is this hospitalization?

    If you mean they can sit with you in the room until/when you give birth, that’s going to be a weird combination of boring and traumatic, for the child, as well as a nuisance and possibly safety risk for the hospital staff. It’s set up for medical care, not a playground.

    If you’re referring to hospitals that provide commercial childcare, I’m sure there are some but they won’t be cheap by any means, especially if it’s overnight.

    Have the kid stay with dad, or hire a babysitter.

  4. If it is available I highly doubt it’ll be cheap. Your spouse should be watching the child or family. You can visit your ward office to see if there are any fukushi programs if no one can be there to watch your 3 year old and you don’t have the money for your own room.

  5. Have you looked into midwife hospitals (助産院)? Their policies vary a ton, but I know a few in my area would allow siblings to stay with mom. The one I gave birth at only charged extra for food. If you call them and ask, they’re usually very quick to answer any questions. 

    ETA: This assumes you’re having an uncomplicated birth.

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