Watching night one in ONE show? Not matches?

Just re-subbed for the g1, first time with the new NJPW world

I'm really confused by one thing. Night 1 is separated into "episodes." Is there no way to watch the show fully through as one stream, no stopping?

I'm casting to Chromecast. So match ends, and everything stops. Click back into site, go to next match, recast.

I feel like I'm missing an obvious "full show" link?!



  1. Website has some quirks. This is one of them. They have “seasons” for each event it seems now. Hopefully they wrangle in the UI.

  2. There is no full show option anymore unfortunately. The plus side is that you can start at the beginning and watch the early matches if the rest of the show is still streaming live. Basically they get the content to you faster than before. The downside is I now know about how long each match will be.

  3. Hope you enjoy yourself. Try and come and watch it live with us if you can. Show is a 10pm PST

  4. Literally thought about resubbing since G1 started today but that god awful service is reason im not. Even knowing length of a match feels like a “spoiler” in a way. So weird how this service is at the bottom of NJPW’s priority list for years.

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