I posted before about a foreigner that rear-ended me while I was stopped. No bodily injuries at all, just property damage (my car).
His insurance has just finished evaluating the conditions and told me they won't pay because the insurance was invalid (one day insurance from 7-eleven, I don't know why it was invalid).
The guy owned it and told me to get a quotation for the repairs and said he will pay me. This has happened to me before (with another foreigner, that's how lucky I am) and I realized how badly foreigners underestimate the price of car repairs in Japan. I really do not believe this guy is in any condition to pay back the full costs plus a rental car during the repair (I use my car to commute). Therefore I have requested to use the lawyer option of my insurance (it won't increase my premium).
Now the weird thing is that the lawyer is not from the insurance company, they told me to just get any lawyer by myself and they will pay for it. So does anyone have a recommendation of a lawyer in Kansai with experience in traffic accidents with property damage but no body injuries? English is not necessary.
And what are my options here? I've considered:
- [I lose money] I use my own insurance, pay the grade increase premium next year and the deductible and eat the costs.
- [Possible illegal?] I negotiate with the guy a settlement/gift/whatever for my "troubles" which would easily cover the costs of using my own insurance. But I assume this may be illegal or against the insurance contract? I have no idea and will be asking the lawyer about it.
- [Worst choice] I pay upfront and sue him hopping to ever get the money back. He could as well run away and go back to his country and never pay if he decides it's not worth it, which is too much of a risk for me to take.
Am I missing anything else?
by nexflatline