Indoor shoes?

Hello everyone, I’ve been awarded a scholarship and will be moving to Japan in two weeks! I’m very excited, but I keep worrying about the small stuff (I know I overthink a lot of things). One of these is indoor shoes. All the Asian countries I’ve been to don’t really do indoor shoes, and I know this is not the case for Japan. I was wondering what indoor shoes normally look like? Are they for everywhere? Restaurants, hotels, bars ecc? Do people just walk around with shoes in their bag all the time? I know I’ll have to change into indoor shoes when entering a university building, and I’m planning on bringing my slippers for the dorms (my cousin gifted me a pair of shark themed slippers that I absolutely love!).

I’m sorry if this question is kinda dumb, as I said I am very much overthinking everything lmao.

by Pandahorna

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