Advice on etiquette for requesting invitation

Hello, I would like to reach out to Japanese company to request an invitation to an upcoming public event (but with very limited tickets). I don't want to give too much detail, but my father co-invented something the company made famous and which is the reason for the event. This isn't a case of a company not giving credit to my father. They did. It's simply that I'm going to be in Japan at the same time as the event, and since my father passed away a few years ago, I'd like to go to the event as a way to honor my father and remember him. I also have a personal interest in the technology since I worked on the tech peripherally. Being able to see this invention in person would be fulfilling a lifelong dream for me.

Here's my problem: I have no connection to anyone at the company, I don't speak any Japanese, and all I have to contact the group running the event is a phone number. I am worried that if I call the number myself, and the person who answers doesn't speak english (or doesn't speak much), I may damage my chances at getting an invitation. Should I hire an interpreter to be on the call with me?

Also, I realize that my calling them out of the blue would be unorthodox. Would my asking for an invitation be seen as presumptuous or trying to skip the queue?

Thank you for any advice or assistance!

by fantasticmrspock

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