Tokyo vs Fukuoka vs Osaka


I am attending a language school next year and am looking to do at least an academic year. I was actually in Japan last week to view the schools and still am having a hard time deciding. People in Fukuoka seemed way more open and kind in general but had way less to do compared to Tokyo. The food was great but there was definitely not as much variety and was also way less crowded and not as busy in a rush compared to Tokyo.

A couple hobbies I have are street photography, drawing, eating good food and would love to get back into dancing. Tokyo despite seeming a bit more cold (might just be Japan in general due to it being a bit more introverted / to themselves) there is a lot more get togethers for hobbies and tons of groups for just about everything from what I saw, was even invited to a drawing event after buying some art from some person there.

Osaka seemed like a good mix of both but I couldn't find as many language schools that fit what I wanted.

If you only had one year to do it, is there one place that stands out above the others?

by XxSniperDeathAngelxX

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