Career advice junior webdev – leave or stay?

So here's the thing. Lived as an English teacher for way too long, wanted to transition to webdev. Self-studied for a long time, went through Odin Project and Full Stack Open, and worked on personal projects. Started freelancing (though it's been hard). Quite confident in my skill by now. Been trying my damndest to find a job, but companies usually don't even look at me without the x years of relevant experience.

Now, my residence status is slowly but surely running out. I have three options realistically:
1. Keep trying and hoping I find a job before it runs out
2. Go back to teaching so I can at least renew my status (yikes!)
3. Leave, and try to find a webdev job back home (probably even harder than here)

No idea what to do. 1) is a hail mary, 2) would probably allow me to stay in the country, but would help nothing with alleviating the missing webdev experience to get a job. And 3) has me leave the country, MAYBE gets me a job, but will then make it so much harder to come back to Japan as getting a brand new visa is harder than renewing.

by MyGFthinkssheisacat

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