Misadventures in AI Translation

Up until recently, I reply to my Japanese friends on LINE in Japanese. I make occasional mistakes, but there's never been a big issue. I would double check what I was I was writing in Google Translate but it was so unreliable, I gave up on it. It's basically garbage.

With the advent of ChatGPT, I started getting lazy about writing for myself because it could write essentially what I wanted in a few seconds instead of the couple of minutes it would take me. I could write it myself but I wanted to save time.

I thought things were going well enough, but I noticed three separate times now that a few of my friends have changed their tone with me. In once case I almost got into an argument. Generally they have gotten more cold and formal. Turns out, the ChatGPT translations I was using was turning people off.

I had asked ChatGPT to stay casual and use a friendly tone. It seemed to be doing that, but it turns out there is some X-factor in how it writes that leaves people feeling uncomfortable. Too direct, too straightforward, too accusatory.

I've gone back to writing messages myself, but I was wondering if others have noticed that while ChatGPT seems to be saying things correctly in a technical sense, the nuance is off. Also, if you're using alternative to ChatGPT how that has been going for you.

by epicspeculation

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