ME!ME!ME!’s lyrics

I read the lyrics of that song and I noticed that at the start it’s normal but on part 3(on spotify), it switches between hiragana only to katakana only with no kanji, and the は particle is written as ワ. And then in the final part:

It turns back into normal

But searching the lyrics on google and [this video]( the third part is normal, but tbf, the video not only lacks some of the lyrics on the third part and I saw a comment of a japanese person saying that the translation wasn’t really accurate and they also wrote the more accurate translation but only for part 1. And in the end where’s the “永遠の愛は…” it was like “hey hey oh hi look at the sky” because idk why they translated it like that

Anyone have a theory on why it’s like that on spotify and what it wants to convey?

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