What is up with the cockroaches this year?!?

Just had my fifth scout (the size of a Prius, roughly) of the summer climb up on the sofa next to me while I was watching TV. We live in a newer building, higher floor, but they seem to be just everywhere this year. We've been in the same place for quite some time and this is definitely above average numbers. Maybe it's the heat, but I thought that we were outside their comfort zone this summer. So tomorrow it's a fresh round of black caps and a balsan (I guess it's supposed to be "varusan" but that's not how it stuck in my head, sorry).

Anybody having similar experiences? Any suggestions other than the obvious (tidy up better, black caps, gokkiburi hoi-hoi, poison gas, napalm, nuking the site from orbit)?

<shudder> I need a chu-hi or six….

by japanval

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