Ice cream sandwiches

I have been craving proper ice cream sandwiches for years now. I tried looking in different stores before but I didn’t have any luck. Just thought to ask the ask knowing Japanlife and see if anyone has any luck in finding some. I’m in Tokyo if it helps.

Edit: I probably should have specified by what I meant by proper ice cream sandwich. I’m talking about this type

  1. They’ve had them in almost every Convini I’ve been in, not sure where you’re looking. Not being snarky. Maybe check the ice cream section at Lawson or Familimart?

  2. Is this a regional American thing? I am also a big fan. Yes, there are close seconds to the original ice cream sandwich. Yes, they were all posted here. Are none of you other than me and the OP nostalgic for the two crappy chocolate cookies sandwiches between shifty vanilla ice cream?

    OP, I think you’re out of luck. Some of the ones that have been posted here are fine. I don’t think you’ll find one but keep questing.

  3. You can even find the Häagen-Dazs ice cream sandwiches at most supermarkets. And that stuff’s premium 🤑

  4. ビスケットサンド is the closest thing in texture I can find – and it does taste good – but I’ve never seen the proper chocolate kind in any convenience store. I miss those too. I live in the suburbs though… maybe they’re available where more foreigners live.

  5. I’m 100% I’ve had one out in town a few times. Either from a grocery store or drug store. I know they have a vanilla one at the Gyomu Super by my house that I get at least once a month.

  6. The edible handle of the Ghana ice cream is close enough for comfort. Ima try out them Blue Seals though.

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