I’ve been using wanikani for a while now and I love it. I’m currently at level 5. But the thing is I want to apply this knowledge outside of wanikani as well. Now I’m just remembering it instead of using it. So what should I do? Reading? If so, where can I find easy Japanese articles? Any recommendation is appreciated.
[Satori reader](https://www.satorireader.com/) is a great choice. They have a collection of simple stories in Japanese, and you can hook it up to your WaniKani account so that it only shows you kanji you’ve learned so far. For everything else, it’ll give you hiragana. It also has detailed translations, notes on word usage, audio, etc.
Some free books of varying levels of difficulty at [https://tadoku.org/japanese/en/free-books-en/](https://tadoku.org/japanese/en/free-books-en/) (start at zero).
Satori Reader is also very good. [https://www.satorireader.com/](https://www.satorireader.com/)
Have some easy reading material at https://tadoku.org/japanese/en/graded-readers-en/. You could also see if any of your favorite games can be played in Japanese, or watch Japanese youtube channels. Whatever you’re interested in, there’s plenty of stuff out there.