My water supply got cut off while out of Japan. Can my friend phone the water company for me?

City: Fukuoka
So long story short I had to leave Japan for about a month due to a family emergency, and I'd entrusted my best friend to help me pay any utility bills that would arrive while I was gone. (For reference, I'm a university freshman)

Long story short, my best friend sort of dragged her feet on checking for my bills and as a result, my water bill ran overdue and my supply was cut off.

I quickly arranged for them to get paid, however reading on the city website for procedures during a cut-off, it instructs me to follow up from payment of my bills to phoning the Tsusui company to set about reinstating my water supply.

The problem is, I'm still out of the country, and won't be back in Japan until a week from now. I'd preferably like to get my water issue sorted before I arrive back, so I wanted to know if I could have a representative (ie. My friend) phone the water company in my stead to help me get this sorted out? If anyone has any experience regarding this sort of issue your insight would be greatly appreciated!

by BaconnEggswithT

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