Common grammar mistakes natives make

Those who immerse in or engage with native content, what are some common grammatical mistakes that you commonly come across? Regardless of written or spoken language.

In English for example,

"there", "their" and "they're"
in written language

"everyday" and "every day"
in written language

"could have" → "could of"
in both written and spoken language

by bravepotatoman

  1. It’s not rare for native speakers to mix up 尊敬語 (respectful language, like いらっしゃる instead of いる), and 謙譲語 (humble language, like おる instead of いる)

  2. Besides the old “choosing the wrong Kanji” snafu, there has been a trend to drop the ら from the potential form of ichidan verbs, which is incorrect enough that a Japanese friend once drunkenly ranted about it to me.

  3. I’m native, so it’s not who you wants to answer your question, but let me comment on this :

    1) ら抜き言葉

    People often use れる instead of られる, such as 食べれる instead of 食べられる(can eat).

    I think it’s already a common expression and quite accepted in everyday conversation because it’s convenient to distinguish it from the honorific form of the word られる.

    2) ×やらさせてください → ○やらせてください

    The causative verb of やる is やらせる, but for some reason many people say やらさせる.

    3) the reading of 重複

    ちょうふく is originally its right/correct reading, but some people started read it as じゅうふく, then it seems that both readings are considered to be correct now.

    4) 添付 vs. 貼付

    添付 is read as てんぷ, and 貼付 is ちょうふ, but some people read 貼付 as てんぷ.

    There are plenty of examples of people misreading kanjis 😂

    Also, when typing on a PC or phone and converting kanji, if you accidentally make a mistake in the kanji conversion, you will often end up with funny, awkward, terrible, sentences.

  4. Not that it’s a “grammar mistake” but more of ‘it’s acceptable to use but it’s actually grammatically incorrect’.

    全然違う️❌ – should actually be 全く違う

    全然大丈夫- this one makes me laugh because I totally thought it meant ‘it’s not okay’ when it’s the exact opposite (it means ‘totally fine’).

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