Timed entry universal japan

help anyone that’s been to Universal Japan and has done timed entry to super Mario and Harry Potter. I need your help. I have just booked my express pass and times and I am wondering if I’m gonna be able to do both timed entries as the super Mario timed entry last ride time ends very close to when I have to then enter my timed entry at Harry Potter world.
– My Super Mario world time slot finishes at 1:20 PM and Harry Potter entry starting at 2 PM
So Like if I am still riding a ride in super Mario, am I able to go in later to the Harry Potter world or do I have to be there at specifically 2 PM? Have I caused myself to be very rushed booking this timeslot or will I be able to do it all fine?? You wouldn’t think they would make this a timeslot if you couldn’t is what I’m thinking, but I’m nervous I have messed up.

by Nervous_Beach2562

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