Has anyone experienced disapproval and/or discouragement from their peers or family members for learning Japanese while studying another career path?

Basically as the title says. My (26) parents often disapprove of me for learning Japanese and always say that it's impossible to achieve or is not beneficial to my future. This mostly stems from them having previous friends in their youth who've tried to learn Japanese and failed. As well as saying I should just visit Japan and not move there.

Currently, I am studying for my Bachelors degree in Nursing and studying Japanese for an hour a day (about N5-N4 level). My ultimate goal is to visit Japan someday, and eventually work and move there in the medical field within the next 10 years or so (give or take).

I only ask, because sometimes it causes an internal struggle of motivation and perseverance, but it doesn't deter my determination. I won't give up regardless and do plan to take the JLPT N1 in the near future. But I wanted to know to what your guys' thoughts are. (Feel free to ask any questions and express your thoughts).

P.S.: I've done some basic research and as far as I know, in order for me to work there with a U.S. license, I would need at least N2 level and take their Licensing exam. Or obtain a working visa. The other alternative is to also join the military and be stationed there (though I most likely won't get out of the base often)

P.P.S: I know from experience on here that many would discourage people for moving to Japan without visiting there first. As well as saying that the work experience is terrible with long hours and isn't worth it. I am well aware of all this and do plan to visit and stay in Japan for a month for while every so often. I do thank you guys for providing realistic expectations, but this also gives me insight on what to expect when I move there in future. If you have any more opinions and thoughts, feel free to express them.

by Shinobidono-2

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