Trip to Iya valley in 3 days?


I am planning a trip to japan where i will be doing the kumano kodo nakahechi hike and then from wakayama i am planning to ferry over to tokushima. I have 3-4 days to spare before I;m off to osaka to catch my flight back. I wake up on day 1 in wakayama, then ferry to tokushima and go to iya valley arrive by afternoon and onsen/sleep, have day 2 to explore iya sleep there again, day 3 head to takamatsu early, ferry to Naoshima, spend the day exploring naoshima sleep there, day 4 head out to himeji then kobe, sleep in kobe and head to osaka for my flight the next day at 3pm.

Is this doable/worth it? or would you recommend spending more time on naoshima and maybe another night near wakayama (already doing kumano kodo). Any other recommnded sights/itinerary options in that area for 3/4 days? I will be there November?

by ComprehensiveLynx543

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