China urges Japan to deal with boy’s fatal stabbing ‘calmly’

BEIJING: China's top diplomat Wang Yi told his Japanese counterpart that he hoped Tokyo would handle the fatal stabbing of a schoolboy in Shenzhen "calmly and rationally", Beijing's foreign ministry said on Tuesday (Sep 24).

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida demanded an explanation after the attack last week in the southern Chinese city and urged Beijing to ensure the safety of Japanese citizens.

The boy, reportedly 10 years old, was stabbed on his way to a Japanese school.

Beijing's foreign ministry said one of his parents was Japanese and the other Chinese.

Wang met Japan's Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa during a visit to New York and told her that China would investigate and handle the case "in accordance with the law".

"Japan should view this calmly and rationally and avoid politicising or escalating the issue," Wang said, according to the Chinese foreign ministry.

Beijing "will as always safeguard the safety of all foreign citizens in China", he said.

by AromaticGas260

  1. > “Japan should view this calmly and rationally and avoid politicising or escalating the issue,” Wang said, according to the Chinese foreign ministry.

    Fuck you Wang

    Remember the bogus reactions of Chinese crying over Fukushima when China releases far more dangerous radioactive crap in the water than Fukushima

  2. What a crock. China’s justice system being so infamous for human rights abuse and torture in jails would need approximately 10 minutes to ascertain the reason for the stabbing.

    If the same happened to a Chinese child in Japan there would be no end of public and political fury from China.

  3. China telling Japan to react calmly because that’s exactly what China wouldn’t do if it were reversed.

  4. Crazy when considering the fact that there are around 100,000 Japanese expats living in China, and judging from the amount of anti-Japanese sentiments, why not just leave? I highly doubt that having Japanese expats leaving China will affect Japan in any sort of negative ways. If anything, it will affect ML China more than Japan.

  5. *”Japan should view this calmly and rationally and avoid politicising or escalating the issue,”*

    I agree, Japan should not screech and moan about this… This would be like dumping treated water in the ocean… not a big deal right?

    *Beijing “will as always safeguard the safety of all foreign citizens in China”*

    Oh thank goodness… They are doing such a great job so far…

  6. But the biggest problem is that Japan cannot show its resoluteness towards China and everytime ends even under condemnation

  7. >”Japan should view this calmly and rationally and avoid politicising or escalating the issue,” Wang said, according to the Chinese foreign ministry.

    Ironic, considering China politicizes issues by making condescending remarks like that to others.

  8. China could have been sympathetic and really would have potentially come out with a lot of goodwill but it looks like this issue will continue to fester instead. A shame.

  9. Shouldn’t Wang tell Chinese Coastguard to calm down instead of harassing Philippine coast guard everytime they go on re-supply mission in the WPS? Chinese Coastguards aka WPS pirates have cut finger of a Philippine Marine. Chinese coastguards have beeb deliberately ramming ships of Philippine Coastguard. Fuck you Wang

  10. He wasn’t stabbed. He was disemboweled in front of his mother who tried to save his life by pushing his intestines back into his body. Fuck calm.

  11. Chinese government: “by the way nobody was hurt in this incident”. All is well in the country as usual.

  12. Alright China, then I guess you can calm down when nonviolent news comes out of Japan, then, huh? 😂

  13. China should urge its people to react calmly, rationally, and in accordance with the law when stabbing people…

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