Japanese culture, tatemae (建前) and honne (本音) .Do you guys feel tatemae and honne when you visited japan or talking to japanese.what do you feel when you meet japanese. do you feel weird or not?cuz western culture is so open even we met for the first time.

Honne (本音) refers to a person's true thoughts, feelings, and desires. These are often kept private or only shared with close friends or family.

Tatemae (建前), on the other hand, refers to the facade or public behavior one adopts in social interactions. It reflects what is considered socially appropriate or polite, even if it contradicts one's true feeling.

Japanese ppl are so good at living The balance between 「tatemae」 and 「honne」 is deeply ingrained in Japanese culture and allows people to navigate complex social situations while preserving harmony and respect for others

by PositiveHomework601

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