Can anyone recommend a good Japanese Let’s Play channel/series?

I’m looking for fun ways to do input. I’m an absolute beginner and I love Bethesda games. Has anyone seen a good Skyrim/Oblivion/Starfield series in Japanese? Can please someone help me find a channel?

Searches in English aren’t giving me what I’m looking for… TIA!

by made-u-look

1 comment
  1. I don’t think these channels have the games you’re looking for, but I’ll recommend them anyway. I have a feeling it may be hard to find exactly what you’re looking for as an absolute beginner.

    I enjoy Game Gengo’s video game series. There isn’t really much gameplay I don’t think, mostly cutscenes. He does the translating work for me so I just sit back, listen, and mine words to my anki with the help of the yomitan extension. A few episodes he actually has anki decks to accompany it. I also like Comprehensible Input Japanese. Been watching and rewatching their first two “Unpacking” videos.

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