Is something up with Japanlife mods?

I actually dont know much about this particular sub but when I searched google this sub had a bunch of upvoted posts related to this so Im posting this here.

I posted a topic on Japanlife asking about info related to various phone companies and their alternatives, I dunno maybe it could have been low effort/Googleable, but regardless, I imediately got a message that I was permanently banned. This is with no prior warning or arguments or any negative interactions in the 7+ years I've been posting on there, just completely out of the blue.

So I reply to the ban message asking what rule I violated, that I just reviewed the rules and didn't think I violated any of them. I later then posted an additional comment mentioning that oh maybe it was the one related to low effort and that I apologize if thats the case but mentioned that I thought their process was pretty heavy handed for something so simple.

They didn't reply even a single time and instead "muted" me which says that I can't even talk to the mods there anymore. I've heard that there have been alot of weird stuff with the mods there but I thought usually its related to getting into an argument with them or them not liking you or something, but I'm not even in that situation. I was litterally just permabanned for posting a single question topic, without the ability to ask the mods the reason or appeal it.

Is this real life or what, are the mods actually this bizarre? Or could it be one of the mods became disgruntled and is doing some weird stuff or something? Its hard to believe that the sub has been running for so long like that.

they finally replied to me although still have me muted so i cant say anything. they mentioned something about "ban evasion" even though I don't know anything about that, so either they are just making stuff up or just really aren't very good judges.

by disastorm

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