Boston Career Forum

Trying to keep this short:

I am a senior in undergrad studying international relations. I am half Japanese, fluent in the language, and have spent significant time in Japan throughout my life, most recently completing 2 years of exchange in Kyoto.

I am now back in DC completing my final year of undergrad and frantically searching for jobs. BCF is one option I am considering of trying to do so, but I am concerned about whether it is a good use of my time. I am interested in working with US-Japan relations in the nonprofit/NGO field or in policy advisory/research/analysis field. I have looked at the companies present at BCF this year and they don't necessarily seem like something that would be my first choice. That being said, I really, really need to secure a postgrad job. Unfortunately BCF prep seems quite time-intensive and I am unsure if I can commit enough time to be properly prepared.

For those who have gone to BCF, what was your experience? I am hoping that if I choose to go I will stand out as a foreigner fluent in Japanese that can offer strong communications/coordination for companies with international clients or branches overseas. Is this something that companies at BCF hire for? Is being a foreigner useful at all in attending/interviewing there? Would love to hear your advice. Thank you for your time!

by TraditionalRest3474

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