Keeping it simple to those traveling to Japan for the first time

Just got from 3 weeks in Japan (Tokyo, Hakone, Kamakura/Enoshima, Kyoto, Uji, Osaka, Nara, Hiroshima, Miyajima). It was incredible. I'm going to keep it short and sweet.

  • I literally only used an IC card for every mode of transportation including the ferry back and to Miyajima, with the only exception of getting a romance car ticket to Hakone and Shinkansen tickets which I just bought tickets literally a day or two in advance from the station.

  • Coin purse, portable battery charger, passport on you at all times.

  • For those not as materialistic or want to stay minimalist as much as possible but still want to have souvenirs, I recommend a goshuin book and getting stamps from shrines/temples. I managed to fill out my entire book in 1 trip. In my opinion, it feels better having this than let's say buying something already made. It's literally a handwritten record of places you've visited in Japan with beautiful calligraphy written by someone.

  • Everything is so efficient here. Google Maps, Lens, and Translate will be your best friends.

  • Wake up early and get a good head start. Lots of places start shutting down around 5-6 pm so maximize your time spent by getting up as early as possible.

  • Be respectful just as the Japanese people are going to show to you. People live and work hard here and have to deal with a lot of tourism and I think people forget that because they're too busy having fun. The least you can do is show respect back, be polite, clean after yourselves, be silent when needed, be fun and loud when the mood is appropriate.

  • Lastly, just have FUN. I think people forget this is the most important part. Don't worry about problems that don't exist yet. Be prepared for anything, but enjoy. You may not check everything off on your list of things to do, but that's fine. You'll have plenty to do and I guarantee it won't be your last trip to Japan.

It was the best 3 weeks of vacation I've ever had and I've been and seen a lot of different places. I can't wait to be back. Once I'm done reflecting on my trip, I'm ready to plan the next one.

by jaywin91

  1. Thank you! How exausted are you after all that travel? Could you have kept going another week, or were you ready to head home?

  2. I’m 3 weeks into a 2 month trip and that advice is exactly how it’s been for me, idk why people feel the need to overcomplicate things

  3. After 1 week in Japan for the first time this is the best advice anyone can give. People often over complicate things and make it seem like it’s super hard to travel to Japan and you need to pre plan 1000 things on the contrary it’s super simple with just basic planning.

  4. Where did you buy the goshuin book?

    I’m thinking of buying from before going there next year, so I will already have one when I arrive.

    I saw some from Amazon (not . jp), but the book designs were not to my taste.

    Do you also collect train stations and airport stamps? I plan this too, so one more book.

  5. Honestly… how you doing 6 weeks??! I’m leaving for home tomorrow, day 11 — and I am absolutely knackered lol. Around 20k steps a day, and honestly, just want to go home at this point hahaha.

  6. Today is also my home flight after three weeks of Japan. It was an incredible fun journey and I learned alot about Japanese culture. I think your points are well chosen.

    Here is something I’d like to add:

    * Don’t use Kansai (Wide) Area Pass. They are either a scam or incredibly badly worded by the railway company. Can’t talk about the other pass types. So SUICA is your best friend after leaving the airport.
    * If its your first journey in general you should be aware of where you want to definitely go to reduce transportation costs. Can quickly add up if you don’t pick your points wisely and just go spontaneous like I did with my friends (we ended up revisiting certain places despite having changed hotels)

  7. Leave 2 weeks today for our 3 week honeymoon trip. Thank you for this, I’m so excited and this so refreshing to read.

  8. >Everything is so efficient here.

    Tell that to my office that uses fax machines, paying for bills (cash only), paying for government paperwork with revenue stamps, getting mail to tell me my address couldn’t be verified, etc… Trains are efficient, most other stuff is the opposite of that lol 😀

  9. Aside from goshuin stamps, there are train stamps too, right? Are there any other stamp collectible thingies?

  10. Why a coin purse? I just always had pockets full of change….

    And the portable battery charger is no fun. A dead phone is sometimes a pretty exciting adventure!

  11. What is the IC card and best way to acquire? I’m actually traveling to Japan on Monday for two weeks, excited to learn about this book! Can’t wait

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