Weekly Praise Thread – 16 September 2022

It’s that time of the week again. Please boast and share about the good things that have happened to you this past week!

  1. The Made in Abyss exhibit was short but fun. Plenty of original artwork displayed. I made a new friend while getting lunch afterwards and we had a fun afternoon checking out the neighborhood.

  2. Found a new apartment, it has parks around, it’s much bigger than my current one, and it’s cheaper. I can’t wait to finally get out of Tokyo!

  3. AC off and all windows open last night. Feels good. That breeze was nice.

    Shazza is walking around and just loves everything outside. Frogs, geckos, and grasshoppers provide her hours of entertainment. I just love watching her grow up (but it’s way too fast).

  4. Week passed quickly this time.

    New Yakuza games have been announced.

    My weight is back to before my restaurant spree weight. Back on track.

    Going to check out Hojoya on Saturday, maybe have a snack or two, hoping typhoon doesn’t hit early

  5. Short week coming up, Thursday/Friday public holidays in Australia and Monday’s a company day off – 5 day weekend incoming.

    Now to figure out what to do with it. Any suggestions? Based in Gifu, might head Toyama way.

  6. Our medaka have graduated from eating mosquito eggs to eating mosquito larvae to, now, eating mosquitoes (or at least those I’ve seen land on debris on the water).

  7. Long weekend yeahhhhh.

    Planning to fly to Okinawa this weekend and try my hands on diving and snorkelling.

    This typhoon…

    Jetstar, you better book me on the next flight if you cancel in the morning.

  8. Absolutely loving my new apartment and neighborhood, and hopefully the convenience of being in a metro area again means attending meetups to make friends will be easier.

  9. Yesterday TGS was super fun! Discovered new smaller games I look forward to playing.

    Also long weekend to spend with a friend whom I haven’t seen in 3 years. So excited to spend the long weekend with her doing weeb shit!

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