entry level positions

Hello everyone. I just wanted to share my experience and ask for advices.

I moved to Japan with my wife (she is Japanese) after completing a master degree in Political Economy back in Europe this year. When I started to look for a job a guy I knew recommended me to use a recruiter. This recruiter owns his company and after discussing with me he asked me to join him. I accepted, because I was so happy to have a job in Japan after just 1 month here. Its been now 3 month that I started and I absolutely hate the job. My boss is nice and treats me well, but I hate the nature of the job (I was very naive about the recruiting industry). I can’t see any future for me in this industry.

I just want to quit as I hate this job. I have a JLPT N2 and 1 year of “working” experience in the army (mandatory in my country). Do you have some ideas of what kind of jobs I could get?
I would love to get a backoffice job, using some analytical skills. An entry level finance or accounting job (studied basic accounting during my bachelor degree and now studying for the 日商簿記3). Do you guys have some recommendations ?

Thank you so much.

PS: I know that I am the one to blame, I was naive to accept this job without thinking more and getting more informations about the industry.


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