Stop treating japanese like it is an ancient text that only a few people can speak and read.

What I meaning is that I have seen MANY questions of “how to be fluent in japanese without living in Japan?”
Think of it like English… One of the most common language… Many (including me) probably haven step in an county where English is the mother language but still have obtained a very high level in English.
We are just so used that alot of the material on the internet, movies and so on is in English.

Now switch it to Japanese, read books in japanese, watch movies in japanese, search for information in japanese!
Even tho you don’t understand japanese that well you vill get used to the language, you will start to undestand words here and there and start building a foundation.

Surround yourself with the target language!

1 comment
  1. You seem to be trying to fight against an antiquated mindset that’s no longer prevalent. I’m sure people did treat Japanese as “an ancient text that only a few people can speak and read” decades ago, but these days there seem to be way more people advocating for immersion through mass media consumption over more traditional study methods.

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