Is it “touristy” to wear thigh high socks as a non-asian female?

As the title says. Is it cringe/touristy/weeb-like to wear thigh high socks as a non-asian female. Important note, in the major cities. I would not wear that in the countryside.

Tis more of a “dress up and go out in the city” kind of thing.

by YouLeft6305

  1. No one cares how you dress here, and if you are a non-asian you will be considered touristy no matter what you wear, so go wild.

  2. Any non-Japanese looks “touristy” regardless of what they may wear.

    The only exception is if you’re wearing a suit so they realise you work here.

  3. People (and I mean Japanese) won’t give a single fuck about what you are wearing. The dress code in Japan is only strict while you are working.

  4. No, locals in japan dont care what you wear as much as you think they would.but still dress respectfully

  5. Definitely not if age appropriate. College to 30 is popular age for this style. I’m sad I met my wife about the aging out range because I wish I could see her wearing them. I’m a fan of the style.

    Also I could be wrong, but I feel like this was originally a European style?

  6. No one’s gonna police you or comment on what you wear here. You may even get compliments.

    If you were to walk around Harajuku with them, you’d fit in more than anything.

  7. No one cares.

    Do you know how hard it is to explain to a Japanese person why they would ever care about or be offended by a foreigner dressing in Japanese garb? It’s like explaining to a very polite astrophysicist that the Earth is flat and surrounded by a wall of ice. They’ll listen along, but they’re never going to buy it. So if you’ve got some cultural appropriation baggage, just forget it.

    You *are* an obvious foreigner, and from your post history, you’re a new arrival. You said you’re not Asian, so you don’t have much hope of passing for a local. So making choices in order to avoid looking like a tourist is a fool’s errand.

    And “cringe”… it’s a silly thing to care about and I encourage you to let it go. A stranger on the street (whom you will never see or talk to again) might spend two seconds thinking that you did not exercise enough ironic detachment when choosing your clothes, and instead you showed earnest enthusiasm for something you like, and the stranger thinks that’s uncool.

    … Use your free will to choose not to give a shit about anything that unimportant, and you will live a better life.

  8. The only thing that makes you stand out as an awkward tourist is leggings as pants here. 99% of people don’t consider them pants and locals do make fun of foreigners for thinking they are. They’re considered underwear by basically everyone.

  9. You’re just a weeb if you wear “loose socks”. Or if you match the socks with one of those fancy French doll-like dresses, I dunno what the style is called but it’s weebish

  10. Who cares? It’s your fashion go nuts

    I will say though, I don’t see any Japanese women with any kind of actual style of someone their age in them usually. Lots of elementary school girls, not so much the 20 or 30 something ladies with jobs lol

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