Best place to start?

Hi everyone,

I am looking to start learning Japanese and would like to know where everyone recommends to start. I understand that different people learn more efficiently in their own particular way, but I would like to hear everyone’s experience as a starter. Thank you all in advance!

All the best

  1. First learn [Hiragana]( (This is what I used)

    Then [Katakana]( (Again what I used)

    Next kanji, I suggest checking out [WaniKani]( and trying out the first 3 levels which are free, see if it’s for you. That being said, you can learn kanji without it but WK provides really good structure for you and eliminates the hassle. If you learn a different way, then you definitely can, but you will have to make a structure plan for yourself. Personally, I use Wanikani.

    Once you know a bit of kanji, around 300, start grammar. As for me, I’ve picked up a lot off of watching anime, this isn’t really anything I recommend though, so I started later, but as of now I’m using this [playlist]( (One video a day should be good)

    Soon after (~600 kanji) you should start reading graded readers, it doesn’t have to be graded readers, normal manga is fine, but things will be harder for you. Keep in mind you can learn more from light novels, but it’s tough, you’ll have to be accept the fact that you’re not reading to enjoy it, but rather to learn. Here’s a good [site]( to find books. Eventually you’ll finish the grammar playlist and if you’re using WaniKani, that too, but you need to keep reading, you can make an Anki deck of all new words you encounter while reading. SRSing those words will help you remember them. I don’t really like Anki but many swear by it, so definitely check it out for yourself.

    My little advice was purely for learning how to read as that’s what I, myself am focusing on.

    If you don’t find the process of learning it fun, there’s a chance you might quit eventually, in all honesty, simply learning just so you can read in Japanese, or watch anime without subs, it’s not all that worth it and you’ll figure that out eventually.

  2. How has this post not been deleted? There is a full on huge starter guide here and it even mentiones

    >Check to see if your question has been addressed before posting by searching or reading the wiki. Not doing so falls under ‘Low effort’ (see rule 6).

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