Colonoscopy with sedation

Off the back of someone elses post re anesthetic.

I need a colonoscopy. I am too anxious to do it without sedation, I’d rather fly home and pay full price than be awake. But I can’t keep putting this off out of fear of the pain, otherwise I’m going to wind up with something serious. so can you please drop the name of your doctor who did the colonoscopy with sedation? Bonus points if they speak English.

I’m in the central wards of Tokyo.

Thank you!!!

by tokyoevenings

  1. Sorry to tangent with my question OP. I don’t know much about this, but is your situation something that the Barium swallow test won’t suffice?

  2. I had a colonoscopy in JP and burst out laughing when they said there would be no sedation last minute. Fortunately it’s very very very brief stomach pangs at worst. You’ll be fine. You’ve taken worse shits.

  3. I had one and mildly sedated.
    Just being high feeling.
    I asked the doc to show me the screen and explain what was going on.
    “There is a polyp here, I will burn it”
    It was a good trip, plus the polyp was just that… a polyp.
    Also, note the endoscope is small. Very small. They don’t pass an 80’s home video camera up there.

  4. Went to a clinic in Jiyugaoka in Tokyo. The only thing that will suck is the 2L drink you’ll have to consume prior to the procedure and the Niagara Falls coming from your butthole right after that. The butthole will be lubed up when you wake up after the procedure. That’s literally the only information you need.

  5. I went here in 2021 – I no longer live in Japan but remember they were really good! Another poster is correct, you have to drink 2l of liquid that clears your system out completely and fast for a bit. It’s partial sedation, I don’t think any will do full. Remember them asking me what my poop looked like before getting the colonoscopy to make sure it was all clear in there hahahah
    Place: 四谷会 麹町消化器・内視鏡クリニック

  6. I went to this clinic in Takanawadai (close to Shinagawa) and they put you out for upper and lower endoscopies, plus they have a cool URL:

    Was fully out for upper endoscopy from the moment they had me bite down on the mouthpiece thingie to 30min later waking up in a bed, no pain, no discomfort.

  7. Believe me a colonoscopy is nothing compared to gastroscopy. I would rather do five colonoscopies versus one gastroscopy, and I’ve never been sedated for any of them (3x)

  8. They told me I was going to be half asleep, but that was pretty much a complete lie, I was fully awake, aware and could see everything the camera saw.

    On the bright side, there was no pain at all, so it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, but still not happy that they lied about how strong the anesthesia was.

    The worst part is actually having to gulp down gallons of laxative and poop like 20 times before the procedure.

  9. they didnt sedate me in Yokohama. Just gave me some real good dissociatives. Xanax and a shot of demerol in my hip to calm my anxiety. I was awake, but not aware. Bluff Medical Clinic, near Yokohama International School/St. Maur Intl. School. Great people and very nice to this gaijin.

  10. Ive had a very low heart rate my entire life and working out all the time kept it there. Been examined by a multitude of clinics and heart doctors it’s normal for me. Being put out is not a good idea and it’s hard for anesthesiologist to manage. I would rather be desensitized than put under.

  11. That’s how we do it here. I asked for drugs to put me to sleep and they gave me just enough to not be able to move but I felt it all. Definitely a fun time.

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