



by fjgwey

  1. I’ve read through the whole post and I haven’t noticed any major errors or mistakes. Although I wouldn’t really say that my own knowledge of Japanese is good enough to try to correct smb. Also it would be nice if you provided the comment that you made under that video

  2. Yeah I just read through OP, I didn’t find it too difficult at all, I’m not sure why you get those replies. Without context it’s hard to see if your original comment was hard to understand or not, maybe it was just people being kinda rude (which would be possible for a video like that unfortunately, like you said).

  3. I don‘t know if your YouTube comment was hard to understand. Your post here is understandable to me, but it sounds a bit “translated”, like the thoughts were phrased in a different language. There are also a few basic grammatical errors that give it a “broken” impression.

    Stuff like 書かなくて方が良い (should be 書かない方が良い) sticks out and makes you seem less proficient than you otherwise are. The title also contains a mistake – it should be 理解しづらい not できづらい.

    That being said, especially since some of the other commenters understood you just fine, it’s probably just a case of people being mean on the internet.

  4. I think your Japanese is great! Not difficult to understand at all. As you said not perfect but hey none of us are.
    It’s never a good idea to base your idea of your level / worth on internet comments.
    But I can understand why you feel this way.

    If you don’t mind me pointing something out.

    ~しづらい vs ~しにくい

    ~しづらい is used when something is difficult to do because it’s AWKWARD or there is some OBLIGATION.
    例:私の子供じゃないから、𠮟りづらい。 It’s not my kid so it’s AWKWARD to scold them. Of course I can easily but it feels wrong.

    ~しにくい on the other hand is used to talk about something that is DIFFICULT due to lack of experience or ability or the situation.
    It’s DIFFICULT to hear you because the music is so loud.

    Source: My native Japanese teacher.

    Hope this helps other people too.

  5. It’s perfectly understandable but does have a very obvious “written by a foreigner” feel to it. I wouldn’t go as far as to say 片言, but there are some grammatical errors and a bit of a google translate vibe.

  6. 添削するにはちょっと長すぎるかなあ。正直、ちゃんと添削したら真っ赤(=添削だらけ)になってしまうとおもいます。


  7. Generally speaking very good text. The layout is what you’d expect from someone learning. It actually feels like a submission for homework or something. It’s lacking use of higher difficulty words and grammar, but overall just feels solid. (the construct of going from explaining context, but then linking the second paragraph to the context is a little odd because I’d expect the main body of the text to be after the context explanation)

    There’s a bit of weird spelling going on. But honestly, most of the time you can get away with that.
    Biggest issue with the way you write is that you write it as if it were English. That’s not to say you’re just translating from English to Japanese. But you can tell you’re not culturally Japanese (not something you can do much about, but should consider when people give you bad feedback).

    You start with “ちょっと長くなってしまえば残念ですけど”
    Which is literally: too bad if it becomes a little long, but..
    Noone would mistakenly think you don’t care about their time, but you’d instead want to say something like
    “ちょっと長くなってしまうかもしれませんが。。” <- Might become a little long but..
    or, probably more fitting for you

    “ちょっと長くなるかもけど” <- May get a little long but.. (which is spoken Japanese, but seems like you’d be more comfortable with that so..)

    It is very important (I’ve been told time and time again) to always pick a style of writing and stick to it. Don’t mix casual and formal forms. Also don’t mix casual written and casual spoken.

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