New Japan PM Ishiba cautious about allowing same-sex marriage

New Japan PM Ishiba cautious about allowing same-sex marriage

by mca62511

  1. He apparently needs to “closely monitor public opinion” regarding same-sex marriage. Yet, close to 70% of the Japanese population are in favour of / not opposed to it. What does public opinion have to be before he starts to even consider it? 110%? 150%?

  2. I suspected as much after he was forced to appoint Aso as his top adviser in order to get the support of the old guard that controls the party behind the scenes.

  3. Well the government made the dating app and it’s to make babies so if we move in any direction other than government assisted baby making, it could be muzukashi

    _teeth sucking sounds_

  4. A Japanese politician is being cautious about maybe possibly holding an opinion what else is new

  5. Sick of all Japan’s conservative ojisan politicians. Young people of Japan, please actually vote and give a flying fuck about politics.

  6. -Allow gay marriage

    -Gay people get married

    -Newfound relationship security instills desire to start a family

    -Gay people start adopting foreign babies

    -Gay families bring in new people and raise them as Japanese

    -Population crises avoided

  7. Opinion polls consistently show most Japanese prefer same-sex marriage, the problem is most of them don’t vote, most of the voter base are more traditional and socially conservative so Ishiba has to try to dodge the question in order to balance things.

  8. I can see already that this guy is going to be an empty suit for the party. More of the same BS

  9. An old male Japanese politician cautious about any changes that benefits younger generations. What a surprise.

  10. In Taiwan, support for gay marriage is at like 58% percemt and so its legal. In Japan, support for gay marriage exceeds 75% percent and so its still illegal.

  11. We can get the birthrate up boys if we can just peer pressure the gays into procreating. Next up let’s make trick glory holes with really a woman behind it.

  12. Good, don’t follow western countries. Japan already have big problem with low birth rate.

  13. Please allow same sex marriage! Please. Japan’s one of the countries I’m considering moving to if I can ever move out of my country and I’m so disappointed they don’t have same-sex marriage legalized yet. I’m attracted to all genders and I’d want to get married to anyone I fell in love with (if they were in love back, of course 🤣)

    Not to mention all of the LGBTQ+ couples just begging to get married in Japan right now! He’d go down in history as the PM that legalized gay marriage! Ishiba, don’t you want to be in history books for such a positive thing?

  14. So he’s just like all the rest then, got it. This is disappointing but not surprising, sadly.

    I hope Japan can pull its head out of its ass on this topic sooner rather than later. Even if gay people aren’t physically making babies, Japan is still losing young talented people because of the lack of rights here. It’s completely anecdotal, but I know several gay couples that chose to move overseas because of the lack of the right to marry, and the lack of rights here also makes it less attractive for skilled foreign workers who might otherwise want to work here.

  15. What’s wrong with being cautious? Mind that Taiwan is the only country in the Sinosphere that legalized gay marriage. It is way better than we oppose

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