150 Hour Study Requirement for Language School

I’m a “mature” (30+) student looking to apply for Japanese Language school through GoGoNihon. They seem to take a lot of the headache out of the application process, and I’m assuming they know their stuff to better ensure a successful application due to the volume they do.

One thing I’ve seen in the past on here was the “150 hour study requirement” pre-arrival for mature students, and students from certain countries. I subsequently read that was scrapped recently, but I’m told by GGN that it’s still a requisite.

GGN are trying to sell their extortionately expensive course with Akamonkai (almost $1,000 to get to N5), which is imo a terrible learning resource, with the idea being you get the certificate that proves 150 hours of study. (You could click done on every class, and just get the certificate, so not sure what it proves exactly, but that’s by-the-by).

I only ever hear the 150 hour requirement mentioned by GoGoNihon, or from people who’ve gone through them.

My question is 2 part:

1. Can anybody confirm that there is indeed a requirement for those over 30 from the US to prove 150 hours of study?
2. If this IS a requirement, does anybody have any experience/suggestions on how to prove your study hours?

Thanks so much!

Edit: To clarify, I’m not suggesting GGN are making this up, rather, is this perhaps an outdated practice and/or something their affiliated schools like, vs a government requirement?

  1. I have no experience with GGN, but I think I recognise the name.

    They list one of the schools I’ve used in Tokyo

    Depending on what goal is there used to be no prerequisite, but at the moment since travel is limited that might make it hard to run these basic classes

    If Tokyo where you planned to go I would contact InterCul directly and see what is available. I’ve never had an problem dealing with InterCul.

    As for just clicking done, that would reveal it self as most schools do placement evaluations before you start, and while N5 isn’t difficult it’s an foundation and N4 require it to become meaningful.

    Best of luck. 頑張ってください。

  2. I went through the website of my old school that I attended through GGN back in 2019 and I found a post saying that 150 hours or N5 level was required to get a student visa. It didn’t specify any age limits!

    The notice was posted in July so not too long ago but long enough to potentially be updated.

  3. I applied for one, but they didn’t mention anything about that requirement but I also live in Japan so I don’t need a visa, I don’t know if that was one of immigrations requirements for the student visa

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