RSU Questions

Hi all!

Recently got some RSU's from work. Since it's a foreign company, I know I need to do all the tax declarations. My plan is to sell the stock and reinvest it into my NISA (buying the stock itself on NISA). My basic understanding is that if I keep the stock, and it vests at USD$100, and then I sell it at $125, then I am paying CGT on that 25% gain.

If I were to sell it same day as it vests (vest at $100, sell at $100) , do I still need to pay any CGT?

Also, is there an easy way to keep track of this type of stuff via excel or something? I vaguely remember something about cost basis being a thing. Does that include NISA Stock purchases?

Honestly this all seems like a bit of pain and keeping on top of it is gonna be stressful until i can figure it out ahaha.

by thewallsarescreamin

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