Australian on trial for robbery in Tokyo claims innocence based on “misheard English”

Pretty crazy story. Australian man on trial for robbery, breaking and entering, and assault says he was only trying to warn the resident of a gas leak. He insists that he was saying "Go to a door, can you walk," while the victim says they heard "強盗だ。金はどこだ。”(gotou da. kane wa doko da, "This is a robbery. Where's the money.")

Defendant also had been drinking and says he was doing "parkour" on his way home.

The article is Japanese but google translate should give you the gist if you don't speak it.

Kind of an insane excuse on the face of it, but after hearing about so many crazy misdeeds here by westerners like Logan Paul etc I can't completely discount it. Seems there is no doubt he trespassed. Other important details, like how the resident was injured by him, aren't explained much in the article but will probably help decide the verdict.

by toiletsitter123

  1. With the other scant details provided it sounds like one of the worst excuses in modern history, and doesn’t even work as a logical excuse anyway.

  2. Is their Japanese level high enough to conduct a robbery in Japanese? Not the usual stuff they teach you in textbooks or classrooms. 😀

  3. Crazy, but it’s been known to happen. I once asked some old codger standing by the roadside vegetable stand if he knew the time, and he thought I was accusing him of trying to steal some potatoes.

  4. What? …how would he know there was a gas leak at a random house? Was there, in fact, a gas leak?

  5. Is there a hero piece where this protagonist gets fucked in his ass for finding once-in-a-lifetime chance to actually utilize his only shitty superpower just to get procesucted and get a bad name?

    The more I think about it, the more I feel like this guy actually thought this was the most elegant way to save him instaed of just walking up to the door like a normal, thus incompetent human being at saving someone from an emergency case. Especially when a bit drunk. (Sober enough to parkour but drunk enough to realize that you’re a hero.)

  6. Japanese court room sketch is on a whole ‘nother level lol. I prefer manga sketch art over western sketches .

  7. Not going to lie…I can totally hear it. (“gotou da. kane wa doko da.” “Go to a door, can you walk,”) Classic Sora Mimi Hour. Even tho Black Tamori is gone, I wish they’d do Sora Mimi Hour specials.

    Here’s one of the best.


  8. This plays out like the shittiest superhero of all time.

    Gaijin-man, drunk and doing parkour on his way home from another failed night trying to pull, uses his super-smelling-senses to detect the distinctive odor of gasoline coming from the second floor of a house. Knocking on the front door would be too slow, and lives are at stake! So Gaijin-man decides to scale the side of the house, hop the railing, and using a shovel he finds, tries to get the attention of the clearly in-peril person inside.

    Praise be to Gaijin-man. We need more selfless souls like yourself, roaming the streets, warning people of danger by climbing the sides of peoples houses.

  9. I don’t feel bad for him at all. It says he smelled kerosene on the porch then used a shovel to open a window. Let’s break it down shall we.

    He shouldn’t have been doing parkour on other people’s houses or property.

    He shouldn’t be bothered if you smell kerosene outside someone’s home. People store it there all the time. I’m not buying it.

    Sounds like he forcefully opened a window. That’s burglary right there!

    In his country, do you just force someone’s window open? I don’t think so. Why are you messing with other peoples property and all that? Just call 119 if you think there is an emergency. You don’t just break into people’s houses. Maybe he did try to rob them!

    He’s lucky something didn’t happen to him. If someone breaks into your home you’d fight them wouldn’t you? They’d be leaving in a stretcher, right?

    At the very minimum this guy’s an idiot, at worst a malicious robber. Hard to say.

  10. I mean, the first – 強盗だ, gō tō da, might plausibly be misheard from “Go to (a) door”, but 金はどこだ, kin wa do ko da for “Can you walk?” is a bit of a stretch – it’d sound more like “キンユーワーク” or like the article says, “キンユーウオーク”. No だ/ダ in the bunch.

  11. I do not speak Japanese and I am not Japan but I am, for context, a drunk Aussie. I can buy it. No one can understand us without subtitles and it’s worse when we’re drunk.

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