Itinerary Check – January 27 – Feb 12

We’ve booked this flight and built the itinerary on the hope that the borders will be open without visa restrictions.


Background: Both husband and I have visited Japan several times, and have done the usual Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto trip. We are interested in food, anime, and will be meeting up with some friends that will also be in Japan during the same days. Focus of this trip will be our Hokkaido portion – hoping for crab! – Snow Festival; and attending WonFest.


Hoping for some suggestions to flesh out some days. We will have a 14 day JR pass, and will be doing a couple day trips to visit some places that weren’t open during out last trip.


January 24 – 27, 2023
Flight days. Husband will be flying from Canada through London Heathrow to Haneda, arriving 6PM on January 26. I will be flying from Canada through LA to Haneda and arriving 6PM on January 27. This is due to flights being booked on point redemptions, so we’ll both be trying out ANA The Suite.


January 27, 2023

This day will be a light day visit to Yokohama. Hoping that Chinatown will still have some decorations and festivities for Lunar New Year. Early evening as I will be coming straight off the flight at 6AM.


January 28, 2023 – JR Rail Pass Coverage starts

Another easy day. Visiting Imperial Palace (hopefully tours will be open again) and a visit to Nakano Broadway. We may stop at Shibuya on the way back to visit Parco for the official Nintendo store etc.


January 29, 2023

Visiting Starbucks Reserve Roastery and Meiji Shrine. Then we will head to Ahikabara and maybe Kappabashi Kitchen Street. Husband would like to pick up a knife on this trip.


January 30, 2023

Day trip to Osaka. We’d like to visit and wander the Osaka station and Umeda area, and do a quick stop at Namba to compare anime figure prices.


January 31, 2023

Hokusai Museum, and visiting Sensoji and Asakusa area. We will also make a booking for Kirby Cafe. Last time we visited, Kirby Cafe had just opened so getting tickets was near impossible.

February 1, 2023

Day trip to Kyoto. Our main goal is to visit Kiyomizudera. It was closed both times we visited due to the renovations, so we’d like to finally cross of this last temple off our list.


February 2, 2023

Travel day to Sapporo via JR Pass. We will be meeting up with friends upon arriving at Sapporo for dinner. Perhaps the Sapporo Beer Museum.


February 3, 2023

Nijo Market and visiting Susukino area with friends.


February 4, 2023

Day trip to Otaru to visit the Glass museums and see if the Otaru Light Festival has begun.


February 5, 2023

Sapporo Snow Festival day. Visiting the various ice sculptures and hopefully some of the food stalls.


February 6, 2023

Visit Otaru again if we missed the Otaru Light Festival. If not, extra day in Sapporo.


February 7, 2023

Visiting Hokkaido Shrine, Sapporo Olympic Museum, and Mount Moiwa Observatory.


February 8, 2023

Leaving Sapporo for Hakodate. Will visit Goryoku and maybe Mount Hakodate Observatory


February 9, 2023

Leave Hakodate for Tokyo. Should arrive in Tokyo around 3PM. Leaving the evening open for impromptu plans with friends.


February 10, 2023 – JR Rail Pass coverage ends

Currently only have Small Worlds schedule. Looking for some Tokyo suggestions.


February 11, 2023

As this National Foundation Day, not sure what may or may not be open. Suggestions welcome.


February 12, 2023

WonFest 2023 day. and if we have time, maybe check out the Costco that’s down the road for fun.


February 13, 2023

Return to Canada

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