Looking for some advices on / reviews of docomo home 5g
I went to Yodobashi and the dude explained me that the router would cost me 10 yen (yeah 十円だよ) + around 4500 / 5000y per month. I asked for clarification about eventual hidden fees and cancellation policy. Everything looked fair.
10 yen for the router
Fairly high speed performance
”Unlimited data”
No need for work and / or technical assistance
Absolutely no cancellation fee
I’m already at ahamo (Docomo cheap option) so feel comfortable going Docomo way
A few thousands yen at start but not much than elsewhere
Has anyone experienced the service? If bad or expensive, would anyone have any recommendation for a similar quality service?
1 comment
I switched to SoftBank one from Hikari, cuz it was very cheap. Worst decision of my life.