I want a Japanese friend

Hey! I’m from the uk so i know time zones will be a issue but I’ve always loved the Japanese culture and I’ve always wanted to visit and hopefully one day move there! I have started trying to learn Japanese but not got very far at the moment, I’ve always wanted a Japanese friend and I’m hoping I could meet someone and get along with them like brothers! Thank you!

1 comment
  1. Hi,

    You are aware there is a large community of Japanese in London, particularly North London I think.

    Not to mention many many Japanese that come to study in the UK in almost every region. You shouldn’t have that much difficulty. Try [https://www.conversationexchange.com/](https://www.conversationexchange.com/)

    and definitely Tandem, the app on your phone.

    There are numerous Japanese learners events in the city as well.

    There is a love affair between Japanese and British culture so I doubt they will be uninterested, (unless you’re a complete weirdo).

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